Fox Island Real EstateGig Harbor Real EstateOlalla Real EstatePort Orchard Real Estate August 9, 2020

Work from Home from a Home Expert

Working from Home

Some quick tips on the new reality:

Who would’ve thought six months ago that everyone in your work world would have seen the inside of your home? Or that a wandering baby would be more interesting (and necessary) than the presentation you worked for weeks to make perfect?

Welcome to life 2.0 and working from home.

As a Realtor, I’ve been working both from home and from an office for years. But I know this reality is new and scary for a lot of people. Allow me to give you some tips that have helped me…

  1. Have a designated space. Since I am a house-lover by trade and by choice, you knew I’d start there. This is easy if you have a room already dedicated, but if you don’t, have some peripherals to signify when you are working and when you are not. That may be a desk with a larger monitor if you have a laptop. Make sure your chair is comfy and adjustable. Having a second monitor is a great plus if you have the space. Keep desk clutter to a minimum as well. If you do frequent ZOOM calls, you’ll want to have a neutral backdrop to video yourself. And…if you need a home that makes working from home more productive…call me!
  2. Have a designated schedule. Keep yourself tied to a set schedule. This will train your brain to focus better when you are working and relax better when you are not. Your family will also respect boundaries better if they see you sticking to your schedule. My newborn isn’t so good with boundary setting yet, but that is part of their joy.
  3. Have designated breaks and take them. Don’t work through your lunch or coffee breaks. Get up, and don’t eat at your desk. Rest, relax, take a walk. This will help you focus during work if you can decompress during your breaks.
  4. Have a designated phone number or ring. If you can get a cell just for work great, but if you can’t, assign a different cell ringtone for work calls. This will keep you from checking every ring if you know your boss and mother sound different.
  5. Designate some rituals. Make sure your morning routine, lunch routine and even changing out of work clothes become a mental roadmap. This will help you keep work and life in their own lanes.

Did you notice a theme? Yes, DESIGNATE! Be empowered! This may not be ideal for you, but when you take mental charge of your time and life, you will feel that you are strong enough to tackle anything life, work, COVID or your newborn can through at you.

Because…you are strong enough.

I wasn’t kidding about contacting me if it’s time to buy a new home or list your home. People are moving out of King County in droves, which always heats up the surrounding market. This means there will be people wanting to move into Gig Harbor since more people are…working from home.

Would love to talk about your buying options with you.